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Resumen de Connectors gramaticals i connectors lèxics en la construcció discursiva del debat parlamentari

Maria Josep Cuenca i Ordinyana

  • Text analysis shows that in addition to grammatical or grammaticalizedconnectives and discourse markers (like conjunctions and parentheticals such as however,in brief or forinstance), there are non-fixed structures such as to summarize what we have seenso far or to take an example that contribute to discourse organization. These are oftenreplaceable by a grammatical connective or discourse marker, but, unlike them, are notcompletely fixed, have a compositional meaning (and are therefore transparent) and areprototypically metalinguistic. In this article, based on a corpus of parliamentary debatein Catalan, I have identified and classified lexical and grammatical connectives and alsoendophoric markers that act as cohesive mechanisms at textual level. This allows us tocompare the discourse function of these linking mechanisms. The analysis shows thatby using complex and transparent expressions semantically equivalent to grammaticalconnectives the speaker anchors her speech and explicitly expresses way the differentargumentative movements in discourse.

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