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Resumen de Al voltant del mot explanar, 'passar d’una llengua a una altra'

Antoni Mas i Miralles

  • In the Middle Ages, the different Romance languages had a large vocabularyto express the idea of ‘transferring from one language into another’, before the verb ‘totranslate’ appeared at the end of the 15th century and overshadowed all the other lexi-cal choices. Apart from this terminology, Catalan also had the verb explanar. In this arti-cle, firstly, we analyse the meaning of this term in Latin and in most languages close toCatalan (Castilian, French, Provenzal, Galician-Portuguese and Italian) to obtain an in-depth understanding of this term and its meaning. Secondly, we offer a list of refer-ences found with the meaning of ‘to translate’; and finally, we focus on its relationshipwith parlar pla in order to understand its possible semantic evolution and be able topropose a dialectal affiliation.

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