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Resumen de The La graffiti art e la scoperta del murales di Keith Haring ad Amsterdam

Caterina Soliani

  • español

    The purpose of this work is to contribute to the continuous growth of the art world (Street Art in particular) and to discuss how it is essential for the discovery of artists. These artists have been pioneers and forerunners of new pictorial techniques, freeing creative and psychological flair, and combining the latter with the artistic technology that promises great things despite limited materials.  The intention of this article is to consider the elements of artistic expression that are less commonly subject to discussion, such as the world of Street Art. This form of artwork has not always been understood or accepted, with street artists waiting for the opportune moment to express the narrative, experiences, and emotions of society through their artwork, a power that unites sentiment and encourages change.  It is art which affects the community, the population and society. It is designed above all others to become part of the collective memory through violence of image and colour.  This project led me to come into contact with one of the many artistic artefacts of the Street Art movement, the Keith Haring’s mural in Amsterdam, a piece that makes me. understand and appreciate the problems inherent to these type of works, simple, synthetic, but never simplistic.  Therefore, a project, a study and a restoration hypothesis were conducted on one of the many works by Haring. The purpose of this was to shed light once again on the mural made in 1986 by the artist, situated in the Groothandeles Market of Amsterdam. No longer visible for thirty years, the mural was covered by insulation panels placed two years after its creation.

    With professors Antonio Rava and William Shank, the association Keith Haring Foundation of New York, the Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam, in collaboration with the gallery Vroom & Varossieau, specialised in road art, on 8 June, the large metal sheet panels were removed and one of the greatest murals by Haring could once again be admired.

  • English

    Lo scopo di questo elaborato è atto alla divulgazione del continuo crescere del mondo dell’Arte (in particolare della Street Art) e di come esso sia di fondamentale importanza per scoprire artisti che, nei loro elaborati, sono stati pionieri e precursori di nuove tecniche pittoriche, liberando l’estro creativo e psicologico ed unendo quest’ultimo alla tecnologia artistica che si prometteva immortale e capace di poter dare vita a grandi cose con limitati materiali.

    L’intento di questo articolo è far scoprire elementi ed immagini non ampiamenti trattati, quali appunto il mondo della Street Art. Un’arte non sempre capita ed accettata che ha saputo e dovuto aspettare il momento giusto per esplodere in tutta la sua potenza narrativa e conflittuale, con episodi che riguardano la comunità, la popolazione ed il sociale. Ideata soprattutto per entrare a far parte della memoria collettiva con violenza di immagine e di colore.

    Il progetto mi ha portata a toccare con mano uno dei tanti manufatti artistici del movimento della Street Art, Il murales di Keith Haring ad Amsterdam, facendomi capire, apprezzare e comprendere le problematiche intrinseche a questo tipo di opere, semplici e sintetiche ma mai semplicistiche.

    È stato quindi condotto un progetto, uno studio ed un’ipotesi di restauro su di una delle tante opere lasciatoci da Haring. Quest’ultimo ha avuto come obbiettivo quello di portare nuovamente alla luce il murales realizzato nel 1986 dall’artista e situato all’interno del Groothandeles Market di Amsterdam. Non più visibile da trent’anni, l’opera era coperta da pannelli isolanti posti due anni dopo la sua realizzazione.

    Con i Professori Antonio Rava e William Shank, l’associazione Keith Haring Foundation di New York, lo Stedelijk Museum di Amsterdam e con la galleria Vroom & Varossieau specializzata in arte di strada, l’8 Giugno 2018, i grandi pannelli di lamiera metallica sono stati tolti ed è stato nuovamente possibile ammirare uno dei più grandi murales di Haring. society through their artwork, a power that unites sentiment and encourages change.  It is art which affects the community, the population and society. It is designed above all others to become part of the collective memory through violence of image and colour.  This project led me to come into contact with one of the many artistic artefacts of the Street Art movement, the Keith Haring’s mural in Amsterdam, a piece that makes me. understand and appreciate the problems inherent to these type of works, simple, synthetic, but never simplistic.  Therefore, a project, a study and a restoration hypothesis were conducted on one of the many works by Haring. The purpose of this was to shed light once again on the mural made in 1986 by the artist, situated in the Groothandeles Market of Amsterdam. No longer visible for thirty years, the mural was covered by insulation panels placed two years after its creation.

    With professors Antonio Rava and William Shank, the association Keith Haring Foundation of New York, the Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam, in collaboration with the gallery Vroom & Varossieau, specialised in road art, on 8 June, the large metal sheet panels were removed and one of the greatest murals by Haring could once again be admired.


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