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Resumen de Secuencia estratigráfica y eventos evolutivos de foraminíferos en el tránsito Cretácico-Terciario

Ignacio Arenillas Sierra, Laia Alegret Badiola, José Antonio Arz Sola, Carlos Luis Liesa Carrera, Alfonso Meléndez Hevia, Eustoquio Molina Martínez, Ana Rosa Soria de Miguel

  • A stratigraphic and micropaleontologic study based on planktic and benthic foraminifera from sections of Cult' of Mexico, Europe and North Africa helped us to recognize several stratigraphic units and foraminiferal evolutionary episodes. The presence or absence of these units and events in a section depends on the continuity and proximity to the Chicxulub impact crater. Two main units may be recognized: clastic unit and boundary clay. According to the impact theory and the K/T stratotype definition from El Kef (Tunisia), the K/T boundary must be placed at the base of the layer with the first impact evidences, since this horizon is the most isochronous world-wide.

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