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Resumen de Caracterización de las Unidades Tectosedimentarias de la Comarca de La Bureba (Burgos, España) y su correlación con las cuencas terciarias del Ebro y Duero

Ana Angulo, C. Bracero, A. Muñoz

  • The continental sediments of the Comarca de La Bureba (Burgos, Spain) are divided into five tecto-sedimentary units (TSUs) labelled B1 to B5. For the characterization of these genetic units we have used eighteen stratigraphic-sedimentological profiles that have been correlated by means of physical criteria. The outcrop area, lithology, thickness, boundaries and chronostratigraphy of these units are described. In this paper the correlation of the TSUs of La Bureba and the Ebro and Duero basins is established.

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