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Resumen de The Challenges of Modularization

Sally Brown, Danny Saunders

  • Higher education institutions (HEIs) are responding to the movement towards credit accumulation and transfer with varying degrees of enthusiasm and energy, and linked to this is a parallel series of developments towards modularization and semesterization. Some HEIs have highly developed and well advanced programmes of credit‐based modularity (PCFC, 1992), whereas others are just beginning to implement what we believe to be one of the most important and radical changes to affect higher education in recent years.

    This article is grounded in the experience of two universities which are currently moving towards modular schemes: the University of Northumbria at Newcastle and the University of Glamorgan. It uses a range of case studies based on actual experiences of colleagues in our own universities and those we have encountered in our workshops nationally. At the University of Northumbria, the term unitization is used to indicate that named routes are retained, whereas the term modularization is preferred at Glamorgan.

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