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Resumen de Incidencia de las emisiones de una gran central térmica en la composición del material particulado atmosférico

Xavier Querol Carceller, José Andrés Alastuey Urós, J.C. Bezares, R. Juan, Angel López Soler, Enrique Mantilla Iglesias, Feliciano Plana, J.A. Puicercus, C. Ruiz

  • The present work facuses on the characterization of atmospheric total suspended particles (TSP) around a large coal-fired power station in NE Spain. The study was perfarmed through sampling TSP by means of high volume captors and cascade impactar in faur stations located at different distances from the power station. In arder to determine the plume evolution, the sampling was assisted by systematic remate sensing measurements (with a mobile unit equipped with a COSPEC system and conventional 502 analyzers). The main results obtained are: a) a majar anthropogenic source was inferred far sulphates and nitrates in TSI; b) a clear seasonal trend to decrease sulphates in TSP towards the winter season was shown, e) a grain- size fractionation far sulphates and nitrates was deduced, and d) sulphates and nitrates in TSP are neutralized mainly by NH4 + and by natural atmospheric Ca2+, K+, Mg2+ and Na+ bearing minerals.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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