Huelva, España
Since the last Holocene sea level rise, about 6,900 yr BP, a series of depositional littoral landforms has been generated at the outlet of the Guadalquivir river, with progradation along the predominant longshore drift (towards the east).
The littoral spit systems mapped constitute four prograclation phases. The (irst is dated between the Flandrian maximum (6,900 yr BP) and 4,500 yr BP; the seconcl between 4,200-3,900 yr BP ancl 2,700-2,600 yr BP; the third between 2,300 yr BP and 1,100 yr BP; and the (ourth between 1,000 yr BP ancl the present. There were separations of successive erosiona/ phases between 4,500-4,200 yr BP, 2,600-2,300 yr BP, ancl 1, 100-1,000 yr BP.
Thus, cycles of higher sedimentation are established, with a slight fall and then stability of sea level. Littoral barrier constructions domínate, with the genesis of extensive tidal flats that decrease the size of the estuaries. These sedimentary phases are interrupted by rapid rises in sea level lasting from 100 to 300 years, when the previously constructed littoral barriers are eroded. The cfiffs retreat, causing migration inland of dunar constructions, with frequent overlapping layers. Marine influence within the estuaries increases.
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