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Resumen de As “matriarcas”: Da intervención,da tecnoloxía facilitadora ás tic’s nas aldeas de Galicia

Alicia González Barreiro

  • English

    The "Matriarchs" the big interventionists and entertainers in the rural spaces of the Galicia of interior (possibly comparable to other spaces of similar orography); being the formers and dynamizators of the population and of the spaces in which they live and live together as a result of transmission in the natural learnings of the human being.

    Maintainer women by generations of the ethnographic culture in a natural way, in cases of an oral transmission: poems, songs, stories, ways of doing and working; working in the daily formation that is a base of the development of the people. A gender deconnoisseur of his isolated recreational and formative time of the work, that they arrived with the creation of the entities of the associationism, to be implied in his own formation.

    To us show themselves as introductory and implicated in the employment of the technologies of modernization in the homes, in an evolutionary and progressive process his adaptation to all the improvements, process carried out in many of the cases, with formal formative lacks, that I am not an impediment for the employment of the essay-error. Precursors updated in the handling of the TICS, complicated in these spaces by the dark areas, the money lacks and the scarce adequate formation.

  • português

    As “Matriarcas” grandes intervencionistas e animadoras nos espazos rurais da Galicia de interior (posiblemente extrapolables a outros espazos de similar orografía); sendo a raíz de transmisión nas aprendizaxes naturais do ser humano as formadoras e dinamizadoras da poboación e dos espazos nos que viven e conviven.

    Mulleres mantedoras por xeracións da cultura etnográfica dun xeito natural, en casos dunha transmisión oral: poemas, cantigas, contos, xeitos de facer e traballar; traballando na formación diaria que é base do desenvolvemento do pobo. Un xénero descoñecedor do seu tempo lúdico e formativo illado da labor, que chegaron coa creación dos entes do asociacionismo, a implicarse na súa propia formación.

    Móstransenos como precursoras e implicadas no emprego das tecnoloxías de modernización nos fogares, nun proceso evolutivo e progresivo a súa adaptación a todas as melloras, proceso realizado en moitos dos casos, con carencias formativas formais, que non son impedimento para o emprego do ensaio-erro. Precursoras e actualizadas no manexo das TICS, complicado nestes espazos polas zonas escuras, as carencias monetarias e a escasa formación axeitada.

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