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Resumen de Modelización numérica de la evolución geodinámica del surco de Valencia

Ana María Negredo Moreno, M. Fernandez, Montserrat Torné i Escasany

  • A numerical kinemalic model of extension has been used lo study the geodynamic evolution of the Valencia Trough. The model allows for depth-dependent lithospheric extension and lateral accommodation of extension. The best fitting model of the geophysical observations is obtained by assuming a phase of synrift evolution lasting 15 Ma, with maximum lithospheric thinning in the trough during the Early Miocene (25-15 Ma) and reduced extension during the Serravallian (15-10 Ma). The lower crust and lithospheric mantle would be stretched by a higher amount than the upper crust The evolution of the Balearic Promontory would be characterised by a first stage of crustal thickening during the Lower Miocene and a second slage of thinning related to the opening of the Algerian Basin during the Serravallian.

Fundación Dialnet

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