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Resumen de Thrombomodulin, calretinin and c-kit (CD117) expression in cardiac myxoma

E. Acebo, José Fernando Val Bernal, José Javier Gómez Román

  • The immunohistochemica l profile of cardiac myxoma has bee n debated. The tumo r i s tho ught to be d erived fr o m multipo te ntia l undiffe re n t ia te d mesenchymal cells. A consistent marker for this tumor has no t been found. In this artic le an immunohisto -c he mical s tudy of 23 c a rdiac myxom as w a s accomplis he d . This study comprise d the immuno -reactivity of the tumors for thrombomodulin, calretinin and and c-kit (COIl7) . To the bes t of o ur knowledge, thro mbo modulin a nd c-kit have no t been tested in cardiac myxoma. Calretinin expression has been recently demonstrated in ca rdiac myxoma, althoug h this finding has not bee n yet validated. Surface lining cells, tumo r vascular endot helium, cells around the vascular slit s and s tr o ma l cells embedde d in th e my xo id ma trix we re assessed independently. All tumo rs showed reactivity for thro mbo modulin in th e surface cell s a nd in th e endothelium of neoplastic vessels. 82.6 % o f cardiac myxomas expressed thrombomodulin in the stromal cells a nd 69.6% o f t he tumo rs were reactive in th e perivascular cells. 73.9% of ca rdiac myxomas expressed ca lr etinin in the stroma l cells and in the perivascula r cells. All myxom as were negative fo r c-kit. T hr o mbomo dulin and calr e tinin may be impo rtant diagnostic aids for cardiac myxoma. Cardiac myxoma cells do no t express embryonic/fetal e ndoth elia l antigens.

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