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Resumen de Differential expression of laminin isoform (aα2), integrins (α3β1 and α6β4) and cytokeratin 20 in H. pylori gastritis

M.G.F. Sales, Luiz Eurico Nasciutti, D.E. Lorena, M. Muzzi, L.C. Porto

  • The expression of laminin-l chains (13J and y1), laminin-2 (merosin), integrin recepto rs to laminin (a3131 and a6(34) and cytokeratin (CK20) were studied by immunohistochemica l methods in gastric bio ps ies from antrum of 25 patients. H. py lori gastritis was found in 19 cases and intestinal metaplasia (1M) in four from these 19 . A nothe r 13 bi o ps ies, all w ith 1M were immunostaine d to laminin-2 . Laminin-I c hains in normal and gastritis areas without 1M were expressed as a strong, linea r and continuous depos it in the basement membranes of the superfic ial and glandular epithelium. In metaplastic glands the reactivity to laminin- l chains was decreased . Me rosin was di scontinuo us whe n a moderate to accentuated H. pylori g landular colonization was present. Samples with 1M were negative to Iaminin-2. The a3f31 and a6f34 integrins were negative only in 1M gastric biopsies. T he CK20 immuno reactivity was strong and homogeneous in the cells at the tip and the upper portion of foveolae in normal ar eas and in gastritis with 1M the reactivity to CK 20 was heterogeneous. A differential expression of laminin iso forms is related to inflammatio n and subsequent 1M caused by H. pylori. T he alte ra ti o ns of a3131 a nd a6134 p a ra ll e l bo th modificatio ns in merosin and CK20 expressio n in H. py lori chronic gastritis.

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