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Resumen de Inteligencia emocional y habilidades sociales en la conducta disruptiva de estudiantes del nivel secundario

Maria Emilia Colichón Chiscul

  • español

    La investigación tiene por objetivo determinar la influencia de la inteligencia emocional y habilidades sociales en la conducta disruptiva de estudiantes del nivel secundario. Se trabajó con una muestra de 210 estudiantes del nivel secundario de la Institución Educativa PNP Alipio Ponce Vásquez del Cercado de Lima que fueron seleccionados de forma probabilística. La técnica que se utilizó fue la encuesta y los instrumentos de recolección de datos fueron cuestionarios para medir las variables en estudio. Para determinar la confiabilidad se utilizó el Coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. Para el análisis de datos se empleó el programa estadístico SPSS, versión 19, con el cual se realizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial, mediante análisis multivariado para la comprobación de la asociación entre las variables de estudio. Se concluye según la prueba de Nagelkerke una dependencia porcentual de 31.6%, de influencia de la inteligencia emocional y las habilidades sociales en la conducta disruptiva; asimismo se indica un 70.9% de área bajo la curva COR; lo que implica que la inteligencia emocional y las habilidades sociales influyen en la conducta disruptiva de estudiantes del nivel secundario de la IE PNP Capitán Alipio Ponce Vásquez, año 2016.AbstractThe research aims to determine the influence of emotional intelligence and social skills on the disruptive behavior of secondary school students. We worked with a sample of 210 students of the secondary level of the Educational Institution PNP Alipio Ponce Vasquez of Cercado de Lima who were selected in a probabilistic manner. The technique used was the survey and the data collection instruments were questionnaires to measure the variables under study. To determine reliability, Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient was used. The SPSS statistical program, version 19, was used to analyze the data, with which descriptive and inferential statistics were used, using multivariate analysis to check the association between the study variables. A percentage dependenceof31.6%onthe influence of emotional intelligence and social skills on disruptive behavior is concluded according to the Nagelkerke test; likewise, 70.9% of the area under the COR curve is indicated; which implies that emotional intelligence and social skills influence the disruptive behavior of high school students of the IE PNP Captain Alipio Ponce Vásquez, 2016.

  • English

    The research aims to determine the influence of emotional intelligence and social skills on the disruptive behavior of secondary school students. We worked with a sample of 210 students of the secondary level of the Educational Institution PNP Alipio Ponce Vasquez of Cercado de Lima who were selected in a probabilistic manner. The technique used was the survey and the data collection instruments were questionnaires to measure the variables under study. To determine reliability, Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient was used. The SPSS statistical program, version 19, was used to analyze the data, with which descriptive and inferential statistics were used, using multivariate analysis to check the association between the study variables. A percentage dependence of 31.6% on the influence of emotional intelligence and social skills on disruptive behavior is concluded according to the Nagelkerke test; likewise, 70.9% of the area under the COR curve is indicated; which implies that emotional intelligence and social skills influence the disruptive behavior of high school students of the IE PNP Captain Alipio Ponce Vásquez, 2016

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