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Resumen de Anomalías gravimétricas y magnéticas en la Cuenca de Guadix-Baza: primeros resultados

Carlos Sanz de Galdeano Equiza, Jesús Galindo Zaldívar, Ángel Carlos López Garrido, Pedro Alfaro García, José Delgado Marchal, Carlos Marín Lechado, Francisco Juan García Tortosa, María J. Borque Arancón, A.J. Gil

  • In the Guadix-Baza Basin (in the Betic Cordillera) a gravimetric and magnetic survey have been finished almost completely, although the processing of the raw data are still in the beginnings. The net of the profils have been designed trying to cut perpendicularly the faults and folds, known or supposed, of this basin. The first results show an asymmetry of the depocentres in the area of Sierra de Baza and a notable thickening of the Neogene and Quaternary sediments in the central sector of the basin and the existence o f faults affecting the basement.

Fundación Dialnet

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