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Resumen de Rasgos principales de la estructura y cinemática de la Unidad del Aljibe (Complejo de los Flyschs, Béticas)

María Luján Martínez, Juan Carlos Balanyá Roure, Ana Crespo Blanc

  • The Aljibe unit (flysch trough complex) constitutes the main unit of the Gibraltar Arc accretionary prism outcropping in Spain. It is formed by mainly siliciclastic, upper Cretaceous to lower Miocene rocks. Its structure consists of thrust systems, post-lower Burdigalian in age, produced by an ESEW SW shortening. Three structural domains, separated by major transfer zones can be recognized.

    These thrust systems were affected by extensional, low- to medium-angle faults and large-scale very open folds, successively. A push-from-behind mechanism is proposed for the emplacement of this unit, as such organisation is not coherent with gravitational processes.

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