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Resumen de Los ferrocarriles suburbanos europeos: enfoque económico sobre el nuevo entorno general y operativo

Pablo Martín Urbano, Aurora Ruiz Rua, Juan Ignacio Sánchez Gutiérrez

  • español

    Este artículo pretende destacar los principales cambios ocurridos en los ferrocarriles suburbanos como resultado de los procesos liberalizadores emprendidos por la Unión Europea (UE) en las últimas décadas. Para ello, en primer lugar, realiza un recorrido por los principales beneficios inducidos de este modo de transporte en las ciudades europeas, en clave social, económica, territorial y medioambiental. A continuación, analiza las transformaciones más destacables que han tenido lugar en el marco operativo de los ferrocarriles suburbanos europeos, desde la perspectiva de la prestación del servicio, la gestión de la infraestructura y la explotación del material móvil.

  • English

    This article aims to highlight the main changes in suburban railways, as result of the liberalization processes undertaken by the European Union for the last decades. With this purpose, it first takes into consideration the main induced benefits of this mode of transport in European cities from a social, economic, territorial and environmental point of view. Then, it analyzes the most relevant transformations occurred in the operational framework of European suburban railways, from the perspectives of the service provision, the infrastructure management and the operation of mobile equipment.

  • português

    This article aims to highlight the main changes in suburban railways, as result of the liberalisation processes undertaken by the European Union for the last decades. With this purpose, it first takes into consideration the main induced benefits of this mode of transport in European cities from a social, economic, territorial and environmental point of view. Next, it analyses the most relevant transformations that have occurred in the operational framework of European suburban railways, from the perspectives of the service provision, the infrastructure management and the operation of mobile equipment.

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