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Resumen de Capacities of the Research Groups at UNICAUCA, (Colombia) to Develop Spin-Off-type Undertakings

Andrés José Castrillón, Alfonso Infante Moro, Alexander Zúñiga Collazos, Francisco José Martínez López

  • This paper aims to analyze the descriptive interpretations of the census applied to sixty-four research groups classified by the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (COLCIENCIAS) for Universidad del Cauca (UNICAUCA) in the call 781 of 2017, submitting them to a quantitative evaluation using the Karl Person correlation model for pooled data, prior contextualization based on some of the conceptual referents applied by the state entity referred to classify and measure the quality and impact of the groups of I+D+i and their dynamics. From the results obtained in the crossing of variables among categories of groups and areas of knowledge compared to their aptitudes for the deployment of spin-off-type technology-based undertakings, it was possible to verify, among other relevant aspects, that the highest categorization is not a determining factor for groups that develop innovative products and have an entrepreneurial profile.

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