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Resumen de "De orilla a orilla": Pan-Hispanism and Cuban Nationalism in transatlantic dialogue in "Fortunata Jacinta" and "Cecilia Valdés"

Kristina Soric

  • español

    Al recibir una copia de la novela Cecilia Valdés (1882) de Cirilo Villaverde, Benito Pérez Galdós le respondió con alabanzas a la vez que señalaba las diferencias de opinión de los dos respecto al nacionalismo cubano. Existen pocos estudios acerca de la influencia de Cecilia Valdés en la península y en Galdós en particular; sin embargo, cuando se analiza al lado de Cecilia Valdés, Fortunata y Jacinta (1886-1887), sus personajes, escenarios y motivos, se revela como una respuesta a la novela anti-imperial de Villaverde, y una expresión de la visión galdosiana de una nacionalidad panhispánica compartida entre metrópoli y colonia.

  • English

    After Cuban separatist Cirilo Villaverde sent a copy of his 1882 novel, Cecilia Valdés, to Benito Pérez Galdós, the Spanish realist responded with praise alongside a pointed reference to the novelists' differing views on Cuban nationalism. Two years later, Galdós would begin writing Fortunata y Jacinta, the plot and characters of which bear striking parallels to those of Villaverde's work. There exists little commentary on the influence of Cecilia Valdés in the peninsula and, particularly, on Galdós himself; however, when analyzed in dialogue with Cecilia Valdés, Fortunata y Jacinta, its characters, settings, and motifs, is illuminated as a response to Villaverde's anti-imperialist novel, and an expression of Galdós's own views of Spanish and Cuban nationalisms, or rather, a pan-Hispanic nationalism that unites them both.

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