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Resumen de Gestión del pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis en una Pesquería periurbana de Argentina

Fabián Grosman, Pablo Sanzano, Daniela Agüeria, Gabriela González Rodríguez

  • español

    La condición periurbana expone a los ambientes acuáticos a un mayor grado de uso y consecuentemente de deterioro; acusan el impacto de las actividades de origen antrópico de diversas formas: colmatación de la cubeta, sobrepesca, eutrofización cultural, malezas acuáticas, reemplazo de especies, baja calidad/cantidad de pejerrey, contaminación de diversa índole, alteración del paisaje, entre las principales. Las medidas de restauración tradicionalmente aplicadas son sectoriales, parciales y generalmente incompletas, elaboradas y ejecutadas por personal no comprometido con la región, con resultados predecibles. Los conflictos entre los diferentes grupos de usuarios (motonáutica, pesca deportiva y comercial como los más trascendentes) son resueltos en función de las buenas intenciones, favoritismos, preferencias y dosis de poder tanto de los solicitantes como de las autoridades de turno.

    El trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar un diagnóstico de situación de la población de pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis de la laguna Las Mulitas, situada en la periferia de 25 de Mayo, Argentina, a partir del cual proponer acciones de gestión. El ambiente se halla totalmente invadido por macrófitas sumergidas y emergentes que limitan las expectativas de uso. La comunidad de peces presente, las variables demográficas del pejerrey y las condiciones limnológicas de entorno responden a la situación general del ambiente y su condición de periurbano. Ello destaca la influencia de interrelaciones íntimas entre los componentes del sistema y la necesaria visión global para su interpretación.

    Management of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis in an argentinian urban fishery Being peripheral exposes aquatic environments to a greater degree of use and eventual deterioration. They suffer from the impact of anthropic activities such as: tub filling, fishing excess, cultural eutrophization, water weeds, replacement of species, low quality/number of pejerrey, pollution of different kinds, landscape alteration among others. He restoration measures that are traditionally applied are partial, cover only some sections and are usually incomplete and designed and carried out by staff who does not have a compromise with the area with the predictable results. The conflicts between the different groups of users (motonautics, sport and commercial fishing as the most relevant) are solved according to good intentions, favouritism, preferences and a dose of power of he demanders as well as the present authorities. This paper aims at presenting a diagnosis of the situation of the population of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis in Laguna Las Mulitas in the periphery of 25 de Mayo, Argentina from which management actions can be proposed. The environment is completely invaded by submersed and emerging macrophites that limit its use expectations. The present community of fish, the pejerrey demographic variables and the limnologic conditions respond to a general situation of the environment and its peripheral condition. Thus highlighting the influence of intimate relationships between system components and the necessary global vision for its interpretation.

  • English

    Being peripheral exposes aquatic environments to a greater degree of use and eventual deterioration. Theysuffer from the impact of anthropic activities such as: tub filling, fishing excess, cultural eutrophization, waterweeds, replacement of species, low quality/number of pejerrey, pollution of different kinds, landscapealteration among others. He restoration measures that are traditionally applied are partial, cover only somesections and are usually incomplete and designed and carried out by staff who does not have a compromisewith the area with the predictable results. The conflicts between the different groups of users (motonautics,sport and commercial fishing as the most relevant) are solved according to good intentions, favouritism,preferences and a dose of power of he demanders as well as the present authorities. This paper aims atpresenting a diagnosis of the situation of the population of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis in Laguna LasMulitas in the periphery of 25 de Mayo, Argentina from which management actions can be proposed. Theenvironment is completely invaded by submersed and emerging macrophites that limit its use expectations.The present community of fish, the pejerrey demographic variables and the limnologic conditions respond to ageneral situation of the environment and its peripheral condition. Thus highlighting the influence of intimaterelationships between system components and the necessary global vision for its interpretation

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