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Resumen de Composição florística e análise fitosociológica arbustivo-arbóreo no município de Caraúbas, RN

Allysson Régis Praxedes Moreira, Patricio Borges Maracajá, Antonia Mirian Nogueira de Moura Guerra, Francisco Aires Sizenando Filho, Tadeu Fladiner Costa Pereira

  • English

    One half-preserved and other anthropic modified. Both the environments are used as areas of grassland . They had been leased random, in each environment, 12 plots of 10 m x 20 m, and inside of each parcel out 10 split-plot of 1 m2. They had been found, in two environments in set, 37 herbaceous species distributed in 21 families, occurring 21 common species and 15 families to two environments. For the diversity indices the following values had been obtained: 2,4070 (surrounding half-preserved) and 2,4567 (surrounding not preserved). Fifteen of the presents species in the half-preserved environment revealed with relative frequencies in the band of 4,4 and 5,4%. The joint relative frequency of two of the species (Aristida setifolia H.B.K. and Stylosanthes angustifolia Vog., forage species) currents in the unpreserved environment was 64,92%. As to the relative densities of the presents species in the half-preserved environment, it did not have very considerable differences.

    However, in the environment not preserved, both species of bigger relative frequencies had also a bigger relative densities, thus, 50,75 and 14,17, respectively. The studied environments, despite the half-preservation of one of them, they already had been submitted the high pressures of use and degradation.

  • português

    Foi realizado um estudo da composição florística, e análise fitosociológico do componente arbustivo-arbóreo de dois ambientes na comunidade Xique-xique, município de Caraúbas – RN, onde o primeiro, ambiente A (Mata preservada da caatinga) e o segundo, ambiente B (Mata antropizada da caatinga usada para pastoreio). Foram estudadas 24 parcelas de 10 x 20 m sendo 12 parcelas no ambiente A e 12 no ambiente B. Os dados analisados apresentaram 7 famílias e 11 espécies, sendo 7 famílias e 11 espécies no ambiente A e 5 famílias e 6 espécies no ambiente B. Os parâmetros florísticos e fitossociológicos foram ( densidade, dominância, frequência, índice de valor de importância e de cobertura). As espécies Caesalpinia bracteosa e Aspidosperma pyrifolium Mart. apresentaram respectivamente maiores IVI e IVC no ambiente A (preservado) e as espécies Combretum leprosum Mart. e Jatropha mollissima (Pohl.) Baill. no ambiente B (antropizado).

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