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Resumen de The B2.1:: from UdG Requisite to Student/Teacher Reality

Kathy Barry Waag

  • Along with the GRAU programs started in academic year 2009-10, the UdG passed a bylaw requiring all entering students to complete a B2.1 foreign language requirement in order to graduate. Seeing the opportunity to help students acquire a lifelong tool and the possibility to provide jobs for teachers in times of financial crisis, we changed the format of the B2.1 course to be ½ the contact hours at ½ the price. This semipresencial course uses Upper-Intermediate English File as course book with a very static MOODLE, concentrates on homelearning with a robust writing program and emphasizes speaking during class time. Largely, we consider the implementation of the B2.1 language requirement for UdG students to be a great success though students’ true exit levels and teachers’ workload are two concerns we now have as we do not want quantity to succumb to quality

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