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Resumen de Influencia del cultivo de mejillón en bateas sobre la geoquímica y diagénesis del hierro en el registro sedimentario reciente de la Ría de Pontevedra

Ivan Martin Leon Luna, Belén Rubio Armesto, Gonzalo Méndez Martínez

  • In order to assess the influence of mussel rafts systems on several geochemical and sedimentological properties (organic matter contents, fractions of iron and degree of pyritization) four sediment cores were collected in mussel rafts areas (biodeposits) and other two in adjacents areas (no mussel rafts areas). The degree of pyritization (DOP) varied between 11,89-67,30% with mean of 46,30 ± 13,0%.

    The maximum values of DOP were obtained in sediments of mussel rafts areas which in turn showed higher values of pyritic iron, organic matter and mud than no mussel rafts areas. By the contrary, in the latest areas coarser sediments with high content of iron bound to silicates were the predominant phases. The results allow to conclude that mussel rafts culture changes significantly sediment texture and geochemical forms of iron.

Fundación Dialnet

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