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Resumen de Geoquímica de los lamprófidos alcalinos del plutón granitoideo de Panticosa (Huesca)

Marceliano Lago San José, Carlos Galé Bornao, Enrique Arranz Yagüe, Andrés Gil Imaz, Andrés Pocoví Juan

  • The Permian lamprophyre dykes emplaced within the variscan pluton of Panticosa (Pyrenees, Spain) can be grouped in two families: a calc-alkaline group and a subalkaline-to-alkaline group, that is studied in this paper. This second group is composed of two varieties, rich in Ti-augite and tschermakite respectively. Their geochemical composition is compared with that of the Permian basalts outcropping in the nearby Anayet area. The. trace element signature of these lamprophyres suggests an EM-I-Hke source with interaction of the continental crust. Genesis of this magmatism is related to the onset of an extensional regime in the Pyrenees during the Middle Permian.

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