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Resumen de Topographic distribution and quantitative analysis of retrograde-labelled cells in the substantia nigra following administration of fluoro gold in the caudate putamen nucleus

Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez, M. Bentivoglio, José Manuel Riesco Santos, S. Chen, Ricardo Vázquez

  • The organization of the efferent projections of the substantia nigra following the irijection of 0.4 pl of 2% Fluoro Gold into the caudate-putamen nucleus of rats of both sexes was studied. After a survival period of 77 h. the greatest number of labelled cells was visuali~ed in ihe substantia nigra, with lower numbers in adjacent structures (ventral tegrnental area. zona incei-ta and ~rredial leinniscus). The cclls featured an intensely fluorescent goldcoloured soma and were varied in .shape (round or n\:al); short sinuous projectioris arose out of thein. corresponding to the dendrites and axons of the neurons. ln the statistical study. no significant differences were observed between r-iiales and females. A sirrrilar pattern of distribution was found rangirig Sr0111 ihe rostral to the caudal regions of the substantia niyra. occupying the whole of the extent of the suhstantia nigra; this distribution was most predominant in the rostro-caudal transition of the pars compacta of the substantia nigra.

Fundación Dialnet

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