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Resumen de The legitimate regulatory distinction in the tbt agreement:: Evolution, criticism and perspectives

Juanita Fonseca Duffo, Sebastián Solarte, Alejandro Isaza, Michelle Visbal Otero

  • In an effort to strike a balance between a Member’s right to self-regulate and the common objective of trade liberalization, three recent cases in the World Trade Organization analyzed and interpreted the non-discrimination principle contained in Art. 2.1 of the TBT Agreement and concluded that not every less favourable treatment constitutes a discriminatory treatment.

    This article analyzes the concept of Legitimate Regulatory Distinction, introduced by WTO Case Law in the analysis of Art.

    2.1 of the TBT, by examining its link with the principle of nondiscrimination, its relation with other WTO provisions and its problems and outlooks.

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