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Resumen de Sertoli cell expression of galectin-1 and -3 and accessible binding sites in normal human testis and Sertoli cell only-syndrome

U. Wollina, G. Schreiber, M. Görnig, S. Feldrappe, M. Burchert, Hans-Joachim Gabius

  • Galectins are vertebrate lectins interacting with B-galactosides and derivates thereof such as blood group A, Band H determinants. The expression of galectin-1 and -3 and galectin-specific binding sites by human Sertoli cells was analyzed in normal human testis and Sertoli cell only-syndrome (SeaS). Staining intensity was scored semiquantitatively on a 4-grade scale. Sertoli cells in normal testes displayed a moderate cytoplasmic and weak nuclear staining for galectin-1- specific binding sites. Galectin-3-specific binding sites were expressed in Sertoli cells less intensely than accessible ligands for galectin-1 (mean score 2.25 for galectin-1 and 1.50 for galectin-3). Germ cells were only weakly reactive. Tubular walls were negative for both classes of galectin-specific binding sites. In seas, galectin-1 binding was moderate to strong and more pronounced than galectin-3 binding by Sertoli cells (mean scores 4.00 and 2.25). Tubular walls were negative for galectin-staining. The ratio for galectin-1-1 galectin-3-specific binding (staining score ratio) was 1.50 form normal testis and 1.78 for seas disclosing a relative increase of galectin-3 binding sites in the latter.

    Staining with galectin-1- and -3-specific antisera showed a strong cytoplasmic galectin-1 immunoreactivity in Sertoli cells of normal and seas testis (score 4.00 for both). Anti-galectin-3 did not stain Sertoli cells or germ cells in normal testis. anly Leydig cells were labeled (score 3.00). In seas a weak to moderate nuclear staining of Sertoli ceJls was noted (score 2.00).

    Galectin-3 expression and galectin-1-specific binding sites were found to be increased in Sertoli cells of seas. This modulation of reactivity can have implications for Sertoli cell interactions with galectinreactive extracellular matrix components like laminin and for anti-apoptotic effects.

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