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Resumen de El arranque de Prim

Gonzalo Duo

  • español

    • Memoria de Prim, general demócrata, en el Bilbao liberal.

    • En el arranque de la nueva calle Prim se construyeron chalets (c. 1880) donde convivieron familias originarias de Lekeitio (Meabe, Larrea...) o vinculadas al puerto de veraneo (los Gaminde, a través de los Uribarren y Abaroa), de talante progresista, cultural y políticamente y socios de EL SITIO.

    • El autor de la ponencia tiene vivencias personales y familiares de aquel ámbito de Prim; compartieron chalet con los Meabe su bisabuela y abuela maternas y allí nació su madre (1920).

  • euskara

    • Prim general demokrataren memoria Bilbo liberalean.

    • Prim kale berriaren hasieran txaletak eraiki ziren (1880) eta bertan jatorriz Lekeitiokoak izan (Meabe, Larrea…) edota Lekeitiorekin lotura zuten familiak (gamindetarrak, uribarren eta abaroatarren bidez) bizi izan ziren; familia horiek aurrerakoiak ziren, hala kulturan nola politikan, eta EL SITIOko bazkide.

    • Txostenaren egileak Primeko alde hori gertutik du ezagun; izan ere, amaren aldeko birramona eta amona meabetarren txalet berean bizi izan ziren eta ama ere han jaioa du (1920).

  • English

    • The memory of Prim, a democratic general, in liberal Bilbao.

    • Houses were built at the start of the new Prim Street (c.1880), where families originating from Lekeitio lived (Meabe, Larrea...) or families linked to the harbour in the summer season (the Gaminde family, on the invitation of the Uribarren y Abaroa family). Their character was culturally and politically progressive, and they were members of EL SITIO.

    • The author of the paper has personal and family experiences of that milieu in Prim Street; his maternal great-grandmother and grandmother shared a house with the Meabe family and his mother was born there (1920).

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