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Resumen de Aproximación a la evolución post-romana del sector occidental de la vega urbana de Sevilla

Francisco Borja Barrera, Angeles Barral Muñoz

  • We analyzed the sedimentary record of the western sector of the Seville historical town, from a geoarchaeological point of view. We study the sequence of the lateral migration process of the Guadalquivir meander that surrounds the ancient city by its western side, between the 2nd and 12thcenturies. Furthermore, the stages of the historical palaeogeographic evolution of the urban sector affected by the change of place of these meander settle down, identifying three main episodes: a phase of fast meander movement (Roman time); a phase of alluvial reactivation of the floodplain (Roman-Medieval transition); and a phase of hidro-dynamic stability with edaphic traces (Final Medieval epoch).

Fundación Dialnet

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