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Resumen de Geoarqueología urbana de Sevilla. Evolución de la vaguada del arroyo Tagarete durante el Holoceno (llanura aluvial del Guadalquivir)

Francisco Borja Barrera, C. Borja

  • Tagarete is a small tributary by the left margin of the Guadalquivir River in Seville (South-western of Spain). We analyzed samples come from numerous deep drill cores (-8,80 m to +10 m) and archaeological excavations (+2 m to + 8,80 m) done in the Tagarete ancient valley. The sedimentary and archaeological study of the records allows establishing a Holocene palaeogeographic sequence with several phases and events. We detected the occurrence of two events with remarkable hidrodynamic stability in the recent Holocene phase (the Roman period and the final time of the Middel Age) that favours the urban occupation of this floodplain sector, mainly during the first one.

Fundación Dialnet

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