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Resumen de Foraminíferos holocenos de tres sondeos de la Albufera de Valencia (Valencia, España)

Juan M. Usera Mata, C. Alberola, Juan Manuel Brito Martel

  • The study carried on the associations of Quaternary Foraminifera found in three cores made in La Albuferaf lagoon in Valencia (Spain), has show a typical association of brackish waters, thaty is, mostly especies which disply calcáreous shell. The cores in L’Antina clearly reflet the disapperence of the species of foraminifera of La Albufera. It been assumed that this disappearance is related to the narrowing of channel which conected La Albufera lagoon with the open sea and also with the change in environmental conditions which tookplace during the late XVIII century. The same results are derived from the study of the different isotopes.

Fundación Dialnet

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