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Resumen de La Formación Majalcorón (Calcarenitas con Microcodium, Paleoceno, Subbético): situación e interpretación en el Terciario de la Cordillera Bética

Juan Antonio Vera Torres, José Miguel Molina Cámara, Roque Aguado Merlo

  • The Majalcorón Fm stand out by their peculiar stratigraphic location, between pelagic facies, and their composition (Microcodium calcarenites) coming from the erosion of older outcrops. As mother areas of the huge volumes of Microcodium are proposed the located in the External Subbetic, where there are obvious erosive features in the Mesozoic. The Majalcorón Fm deposited in shallow ramp environments is situated and interpreted in the whole of the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Subbetic pelagic and turbiditic stratigraphic units.

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