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Resumen de Ondas sedimentarias y morfologías erosivas en el talud insular de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias, España)

María José Sánchez García, Isabel Montoya Montes, I. Alonso, O. Sánchez Guillamón, M. Casamayor

  • Sediment waves have been attributed to several formation processes in order to explain their origin. Moreover, studies about submarine canyons and gullies around the world have been widely conducted because of their importance as sediment transference systems. The aim of this work consists on describing by the first time, sediment waves and erosive features on the SW slope offshore Gran Canaria Island. Geomorphological features have been interpreted from multibeam data, TOPAS registers and sediment samples. Canyons and gullies NE-SW oriented are eroding an stratified sedimentary deposit. Furthermore, sediment waves are located on the upper slope. Hydrodynamics seems to have changed from the Roque Nublo volcanic phase until present, as well as upslope fluxes are the likelysediment waves forming agent

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