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Resumen de Supervivencia de dos linajes genéticos de cazadores-recolectores en la Península Ibérica

Vanessa Villalba, Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht, Cosimo Posth, R. Mora, J. Martínez Moreno, Manuel Á. Rojo Guerra, Domingo C. Salazar-García, José Ignacio Royo Guillén, Michael Kunst, H. Rougier, I. Crevecoeur, Héctor Arcusa Magallón, C. Tejedor Rodríguez, Iñigo García-Martínez de Lagrán, Rafael Garrido Pena, Kurt W. Alt, María del Pilar Utrilla Miranda, J. Krause, Wolfgang Haak

  • The Iberian Peninsula conformed a periglacial refugium for Pleistocene hunter-gatherers (HG) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) which served as a potential source for there-peopling of northern latitudes. After 14,000 years ago, the genetic signature was dominated by ancestry associated with theindividual from Villabruna, generally called Western HG (WHG). However, little is known about the genetic diversity in the southern refugia. Here we report new genome-wide data that highlight the late survival of another Paleolithic lineage in Iberia, previously reported in Magdalenian individuals. We show that all Iberian HG, including the oldest individual from El Mirón (~18,600 yrs cal BP), carry dual ancestry from both WHG and the Magdalenian cluster. Thus, our results suggest an earlier connection between refugia than 14,000 yrs cal BP. Our new genomic data from Iberian Early and Middle Neolithic individuals show that dual IberianHG genomic legacy pertains in the peninsula, suggesting that expanding farmers mixed with local HGs.

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