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Resumen de Cronología de los depósitos tobáceos del río Val (Cordillera Ibérica, provincia de Soria)

Carlos Sancho Marcén, M. Bartolomé, María Concepción Arenas Abad, Josu Aranbarri Erkiaga, A. Moreno, H. Cheng, L. R. Edwards

  • Fluvial tufa build-ups located in the Val river (Ágreda, Soria province) have been investigated. Important tufa terraces crop out from Val spring to 8 km downstream along the river. U/Th ages derived from post-depositional speleothems corroborate previous radiocarbon ages stablished along the Holocene. In a higher position respect to the river an extensive terrace dominates the landscape in the area. These tufa buildings show stem rudstonse, floatstones and packstones, leaf prints and eventually oncoid-rich facies. U/Th ages mark a period of tufa development around 240 ky ago, corresponding with the increase of water availability during MIS7. Similar tufa growing periods are recognized in other rivers through the Iberian Range.

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