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Resumen de Calidad de las aguas residuales y de pozo para uso agropecuario en establos lecheros

Magdalena Villarreal Rodríguez, Manuel Murillo Ortiz, Esperanza Herrera Torres, Evaristo Álvarez Mendoza

  • español

    En las explotaciones lecheras hay que tener en cuenta las posibles fuentes de contaminación del medio ambiente: agua-suelo-atmósfera. Por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la presencia de contaminantes en el agua de pozo y aguas residuales de en cinco unidades de producción de leche. Se tomaron muestras de agua tres días consecutivos a las aguas residuales y los pozos para realizarles el análisis físico-químico. Los resultados se analizaron mediante un diseño completamente al azar. No se presentaron diferencias en el contenido de Nitrógeno total (NT mg/l), Conductividad eléctrica (CE μS/cm), el Color (UPC), y la Demanda química de oxígeno (DQO mg/l) (P>0.05) y Oxígeno disuelto (OD mg/l) (P<0.01). La mayor contaminación en las aguas residuales se manifestó en el Color como el NT ya que exceden lo estipulado por NOM-127-SSA-1994, de igual manera se comporta la DQO según la NOM-067-ECOL-1994. Por otro lado se encuentra debajo de norma el OD. En las aguas de los pozos el NT rebasó los límites permisibles causando contaminación. Por el contrario, la CE y el OD dieron resultados por debajo de la norma. Se registró una correlación positiva entre el NT y DQO (P<0.01) y con DBO (P<0.05). La correlación del OD se mostró con cloruros (Cl mg/l), nitratos (NO3- ppm), dureza del calcio (CaCO3 ppm), DQO, Demanda bioquímica oxígeno y fluoruros (P<0.01). Relativo a la correlación de la CE esta se expresó con los sólidos disueltos totales (SDT) (P < 0.05)

  • English

    Dairy farm must take into account possible sources of pollution: water-soil- atmosphere. So our objective was to determine the presence of contaminants in the well water for agricultural use and wastewater in five units of milk production. All located in the irrigation district 052 of Valle del Guadiana, Durango. The experimental period consisted of sampling the waste water for three consecutive days as suggests the norm NMX-AA-003-1980 standard and the water from the wells of each production unit for subsequent transfer to the laboratories for analysis physicochemical marks under the norm NOM-230-SSA1-2002. The methods by which the 14 parameters studied were determined were performed according to the NMX-AA-SCFI-2000-2001 standard. The measurements obtained were processed by a completely randomized design using the statistical analysis system whose analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test showed averages (see Tables 1-5) and differences for wastewater and well water. Also the correlations between variables were processed. The results for total nitrogen (NT mg/l) were (P<0.5); regarding the electrical conductivity (EC uS/cm), the Color (UPC), and chemical oxygen demand (COD mg/l) were no differences (P>0.05); and with respect to dissolved oxygen (DO mg/l) results (P < 0.01) were found. Observed that of the 14 parameters analyzed both water pollution in most wastewater is expressed in both the NT and Color as exceeding stipulated by the norm NOM-127-SSA- 1994, just as the COD behaves according NOM-067-ECOL-1994 on the other hand is below the standard OD (NOM- quality environmental and effluent discharge, 2002) as being discharged into the growing areas are a factor of the environment 's pollution causing eutrophication problems in oxidation processes of organic material and inorganic compounds in different levels. In the waters of the wells was the NT which exceeded the permissible limits (NOM-127-SSA-1994) causing pollution. By contrast, the EC gave results below (NOM-CCA/032-ECOL/1993) by improper fertilization. The OD - 2002 according to NOM-Environmental Quality, was below the permissible limits. Within correlations with COD include the NT (P< 0.01) and BOD (P< 0.05), the correlation of OD showed chlorides (Cl mg /l), nitrate (NO3- ppm), calcium hardness (CaCO3 ppm), COD, biochemical oxygen demand and fluorides (P<0.01). On the correlation of the EC this was expressed with total dissolved solids (TDS) (P<0.05)

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