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Resumen de Podcasting to engage industry in project-based learning

Kirti Ruikar, Peter Demian

  • The value to teaching and learning of industry engagement in engineering education is difficult to dispute. Industry partnersprovide real-world cases which place in context the theoretical content conveyed by the instructor. Unfortunately, the time andeffort required of the industry partner wishing to contribute projects and expertise to a learning programme make it challenging tobring this contribution to fruition. Podcasting offers an opportunity to facilitate this contribution and make it less resource-demanding. Multimedia podcasting content can accommodate the different ways in which students learn (e.g. VARK—Video,Aural, Read/write and Kinesthetic sensory modalities for learning). Multimedia content also addresses the problem of studentengagement. This paper describes a case study of an application of podcasting to a final year design module at LoughboroughUniversity. The students were assigned a master-planning project on which to work. An industry partner (i.e. the lead architect)was engaged to record an audio-visual session in which he gave an account of the key design considerations and the rationale forthe master-planning project. Later, in a dedicated module lecture session, the audio-visual podcast was played. This was the firsttime the students were introduced to the master-planning project. The students were briefed about the scope of the podcast contentin order to ensure that students clearly understood the context and purpose of the podcast. To further contextualise the podcastcontent, a real scenario directly relevant to the module’s intended learning outcomes (ILO’s) was selected. The design focus of themodule meant that the podcasting project included the architect’s account of the design and development processes. The resultsshow that most learning styles were accommodated. The students performed very well in the test and rated the podcast very highlyin a questionnaire which solicited their subjective reaction to the experience. It is concluded that podcasts offer genuine value interms of convenience for industry partners to contribute. The significant value of podcasts to the teaching and learning experienceis in the improved engagement and motivation of students, accommodating most learning styles, facilitating self-paced learning andencouraging active participation and learning. Podcasting leverages and augments synergy between industry and academia bringingstrong benefits to both.

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