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Resumen de Algunhas notas sobre a figura e a traxectoria do Almirante Chicarro

Emilio Xosé Insua

  • galego

    Ofrécese aquí unha aproximación á figura e traxectoria do militar de orixes viveirenses Nicolás Fernández Chicarro Leguinechea (1812-1889), quen comezou a destacar durante a Primeira Guerra Carlista e cobrou logo especial protagonismo como encargado de sufocar o movemento cantonalista de Cartaxena, durante a 1ª República.

  • English

    We present here an approximation to the figure and trajectory of the military originating from Viveiro Nicolás Fernández Chicarro Leguinechea (1812-1889), that began to stand out during the First Carlist War and he then had special prominence as in charge of stifling the cantonalist movement of Cartagena, during the first Republic

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