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Resumen de Febre no campo: Fútbol en Fene ata 1936

Roque Sanfiz Arias

  • galego

    O fútbol expandiuse por toda Europa a comezos do século XX. Unha vila a cabalo entre o mundo urbano e rural como Fene tamén quixo ser partícipe. A través de fontes hemerográficas, orais e arquivísticas facemos un percorrido polos primeiros anos deste deporte no pobo.

    Damos conta de como chega, quen organiza, quen practica e que acollida ten nun pobo que xa contaba cun forte tecido asociativo. O estudo remata co golpe de estado de xullo de 1936, un punto e aparte para a expansión deportiva.

  • English

    Fene is a galician town between the rural and the urban world.

    Football arrived there in the beginning of the 20th century, as well as many other european towns. Taking information from hemerographic, oral and archivistic sources we will try to understand how it arrived, who organized and played football and how it was received by a town with a strong associative background. Our research ends with the military coup of July 1936, a turning point in sports expansion.

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