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Resumen de The herbaceous tier analysis in protective forest plantations, Ukraine

Lavrov Vitaliy V., Nataliia V. Miroshnyk, Tetiana O. Grabovska, Sergiy A. Yashchenko

  • The article analyses the five elements of vegetation: floristic and taxonomic composition, lifespan, life form, and species distribution in the Middle Pridneprovye Right Bank, Ukraine. Consequences of the anthropogenic impact on the grass cover of the forest shelterbelts in farmlands, located near the city Cherkasy, have been determined. Changes in the ecotope cause transformations of the grass tier due to alteration of the systematic structure, invasion of meadow species, heliophytization, mesophytization, synanthropization, expansion of alien plants and explerents, and inhibit natural regeneration and development of trees. Thirteen alien plants with high invasive ability have been defined.

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