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Resumen de La lenta agonia del processo accusatorio a trent’anni dall’entrata in vigore: trionfante nella Carta costituzionale, moribondo nel reale

Paolo Ferrua

  • italiano

    Il processo accusatorio ha incontrato, sin dalla sua entrata in vigore, forti ostilità, culminate nella svolta inquisitoria del 1992 con la dichiarazione di illegittimità delle regole di esclusione probatoria dettate a tutela del contraddittorio. Dopo la riforma del ‘giusto processo’, l’attacco frontale al contraddittorio è cessato, ma l’avversione ...

  • English

    Since its entry into force, the adversarial system has encountered severe hostilities, culminating in the inquisitorial turn of 1992 with the declaration of illegitimacy of the rules of evidentiary exclusion that emerged to protect the adversarial system. After the reform of the so-called ‘fair trial’, the direct attack on the adversarial principle has ceased, but the aversion to the rules of the adversarial model has continued in more larval but equally insidious forms: among them, the survival of some arrangements of inquisitorial nature, some reductive jurisprudential interpretations of procedural guarantees, and some planned procedural reforms, to quote but a few. The result of this aversion is a progressive metamorphosis of the adversarial trial into a “mixed” trial, which seems to take the system back into a situation already experienced in revolutionary France

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