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Resumen de El procés inquisitorial barceloní contra els jueus Janto Almuli, la seva muller Jamila i Jucef de Quatorze (1341-1342)

Josep Perarnau Espelt

  • In view of the scarcity of complete records of medieval inquisition cases, and as these records conserved in Codex 136 of the Archives of Barcelona Cathedral were unknown until now, a complete description of the manuscript is provided together with an analysis of each of the simultaneous cases which are included in its pages, and al1 the related legal actions. Finally, some first conclusions are drawn about its interest in relation to a knowledge of the life of the Jewish communities in the first half ot the XlVth century and of the relationship between Christian and Jewish communities, one of its manifestations being the inquisitorial action against Jews. In an appendix full texts are included of the two declarations of the convert AlatzarIPere; a summary of the trial submitted by the Inquisitor, Fr. Bernat de Puigcercós, to the Consilium- of experts before deciding the sentence, and the text ot the sentence, in Catalan.

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