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Resumen de La predicació pasqual i baptismal de Procle de Constantinoble

Sebastià Janeras

  • This study examines 13 homilies by Proclus, Patriarch of Constantinople (434- 446), published in the Patrologia Graeca. (7 homilies) and in a recent edition by Jules Leroy (6 homilies). They run from Palv Sunday to the Eighth Sunday after Easter. The study endeavours to see the relallonship between each homily and the baptismal catechism, although only one (horrmily 27) carries the title Mystagogia, which is the subject of a detailed study. In addition to locating each homily in its day, and in some cases in its particular moment, all the elements relating to the different rifes and ceremonies of baptism are extracted.

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