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Resumen de Exhumation history of Central Madagascar, evidence from apatite fission track analysis

B. Emmel, J. Jacobs, G. Graser, T. Razakamanana

  • New apatite fission track data from central Madagascar reflect the basement evolution since Silurian times.

    The modelled data point at three periods o f enhanced cooling during Carboniferous/ Permian, Cretaceous and Paleogene/Neogene times. The first phase ofrapid cooling is recorded in the samples from western Madagascar and is in context with the evolution o f the eastern Morondava basin shoulder. A maximum o f four km ofcrustal section must have been removed during Carboniferous/Permian times. Samples all over central Madagascar are affected by the Cretaceous phase ofrapid cooling, which reflects the break up o f East Gondwana. Since Tertiary times extensional movements caused the youngest episode o f fast cooling which is recorded in the samples from the central highland and from eastern Madagascar.

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