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Resumen de Thermal history of the Prebetic platform: constraints from apatite fission track data

Luis C. Barbero González, Ángel Carlos López Garrido, Manuel García Hernández, S. Quesada

  • Preliminary apatite fission track data from the Prebetic continental margin show that sediment source for the Aptian-Albian sandstones were likely the Triass ic sandstones and/or the basement rocks o f the Central Iberian zone that by Cretaceous times were already cropping out. Results from modeling show a heating-cooling episode that could be related to the Tethys ocean opening and correspond to a Triassic rifting followed by a Jurassic extensional stage controlled by thermal subsidence. A second cooling-heating episode is recognized by modeling; this could be related to the opening o f the Atlantic ocean during Portlandian-Neocomian times.

    Final inversion o f the Cretaceous basin is represented by a cooling stage, which began around 20 Ma ago, which is the age o f the extensional collapse o f the internal zones o f the Betic orogen.

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