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Resumen de Diques neptúnicos de edad cretácica en la Sierra de Quipar (Subbético externo, Prov. Murcia)

Manuel García Hernández, Francisco Javier Rey Arrans, Juan Antonio Vera Torres

  • español

    En las calizas pelágicas del Berriasiense de la Sierra de Quipar, por debajo del contacto con la ritmita de calizas-margas del Cretácico inferior, se han reconocido cavidades (diques neptúnicos) cuyo relleno marino pelágico ha sido datado como Aptiense y Albiense por foraminíferos planctónicos. Se interpreta su génesis en relación con escarpes submarinos, producidos por fallas que actuaron durante el Aptiense, y dejaron expuestos los materiales del Berriasiense. En estos escarpes submarinos, que constituirían áreas de bypassing, se labrarían las cavidades, las cuales fueron rellenas después por el material pelágico que fosilizaría las fracturas.

  • English

    The Sierra de Quipar forms part of the External Subbetic paleogeographic domain (Betic Cordillera). Its stratigraphic succesion during the middle- to upper Jurassic and the Berriasian corresponds to one of a pelagic swell. Neptunian dykes have been identified in the Berriasian pelagic limestones, beneath the contact with the limestone-marl rhythms of the lower Cretaceous. The pelagic marine infills of these dykes have been dated by are thought to have been generated in relation to submarine scarps caused by faulting during the Aptian. Later erosion which too k place during periods of relatively low sea-level, resulted in localised wearing away of the Miravetes Formation (Valanginian-Hauterivian) and the consequent exposure of the Berriasian rocks. These submarine scarps would have constituted bypassing areas. Dissolution begun in the cracks would have formed the dykes, which were then filled in by pelagic sediments during the middle- to upper Aptian and lower Albian. From the middle Albian onwards the irregular sea-bed was fossilised by the materials of the Represa Formation.

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