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Resumen de Datações 14C do Casal do Zambujal

Jochen Görsdorf

  • English

    In order to protect the residents of the modern farmhouse at Zambujal, part of the walls in the northern portion needed to be removed because they were at risk of collapsing onto the still-inhabited southern portion. Due to this necessary deconstruction, it was possible to determine the age of the walls, and, therefore, the residence itself, by radiocarbon dating the wooden beams within them. Twelve of these samples were taken and tested in the Berlin laboratory, which revealed that the first room of the so-called “Casal do Zambujal” may have been built as early as 1450–1650 cal AD, dates which had been previously undetermined

  • português

    Por causa da demolição de alguns muros da parte norte do chamado Casal de Zambujal que foi necessária para a protecção das pessoas que vivem na parte sul deste edifício, foi decidido estabelecer a cronologia do mesmo. Por esta razão, foram datadas pelo método de radiocarbono doze amostras de madeira de algumas vigas no laboratório de Berlim. Os resultados revelaram para a sala mais antiga do Casal uma idade entre 1450 cal AD e 1650 cal AD

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