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Resumen de Rewriting Vergil: the Influence of Lucan "Bellum Ciuile 6" on the Parades of Heroes of Juvenal "Satire 2" and Dante "Paradiso 6"

Giulio Celotto

  • In order to present the parade of heroes of Aeneid 6 as cracked, in Bellum Ciuile 6 Lucan rewrites it by citing among the baneful souls of Hades some characters mentioned by Vergil. Although the parades of heroes of Satire 2 and Paradiso 6 are primarily modeled on Aeneid 6, Juvenal and Dante filter Vergil's scene through Lucan's account: they neglect all the Vergilian characters who, after Lucan's description, can be seen as controversial, and only mention those who are unquestionably considered heroic.

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