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Resumen de Elección presidencial y reproducción del régimen político en 1964

Ricardo Pozas Horcasitas

  • español

    Resumen El presente texto realiza una caracterización del presidencialismo mexicano en la década de los sesenta, un análisis de la autoridad electoral, de las normas vigentes y de la reforma constitucional que dio origen a las diputados de partido; estudia las condiciones y características de las partidos legales en México: Partido Acción Nacional, Partido Auténtico de la Revolución Mexicana, Partido Popular Socialista, Partido Revolucionario Instirucional, así coma el Frente Electoral del Pueblo, agrupación de izquierda constituida para participar en las elecciones pre-sidenciales de 1964, de las que salió electo presidente Gustavo Díaz Ordaz.

  • English

    Abstract Establishing the Treasury Inspector's Office formed part of the institutional changes implemented by post-revolutionary government to ensure and centralize the Treasury Department. The armed struggle had affected its functioning, which led to the scattering of internal revenue offices, the disappearance of taxpayers and little control over expenses, among other anomalies. This department was intended to supervise all the offices and customs offices that collected federal taxes and oversee the handling of the public resources of the secretariats, departments and other federal government offices. All the public administration proceedings involving public resource management went through this office. This highlights the executive branch's interest in reinforcing its pre-eminence in the budgetary process. This branch had extraordinary faculties in treasury issues, which gave it enormous scope for setting taxes and carrying out spending.

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