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Resumen de Nonparametric density and survival function estimation in the multiplicative censoring model

Elodie Brunel, Fabienne Comte, Valentine Genon Catalot

  • Consider the multiplicative censoring model given by Yi=XiUi, i=1,…,n where (Xi) are i.i.d. with unknown density f on R, (Ui) are i.i.d. with uniform distribution U([0,1]) and (Ui) and (Xi) are independent sequences. Only the sample (Yi) is observed. We study nonparametric estimators of both the density f and the corresponding survival function F¯. First, kernel estimators are built. Pointwise risk bounds for the quadratic risk are given, and upper and lower bounds for the rates in this setting are provided. Then, in a global setting, a data-driven bandwidth selection procedure is proposed. The resulting estimator has been proved to be adaptive in the sense that its risk automatically realizes the bias-variance compromise. Second, when the Xis are nonnegative, using kernels fitted for R+-supported functions, we propose new estimators of the survival function which are also adaptive. By simulation experiments, we check the good performances of the estimators and compare the two strategies.

Fundación Dialnet

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