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Resumen de Elementos dunha intervención narrativa no trauma relacional

F. Javier Aznar Alarcón, Nuria Varela Feal

  • galego

    A intervención no trauma relacional complexo implica atender dúas dimensións, unha vertical, que corresponde á biografía do paciente, e outra horizontal, que corresponde cos acontecementos relacionais que se dan no aquí e agora da intervención. Ambas as dimensións inextricables só aparecen illadas baixo a perspectiva do observador. O terapeuta, mantendo ambas as dúas en mente, debe decidir, estretexicamente,cal atender en cada paso da terapia.

  • English

    Complex relational trauma intervention requires focusing on two dimensions, the vertical one, that corresponds to the biography of the patient, and the horizontal one, that has to do with the relational events that happen at the here and now of the treatment. Both inextricable dimensions only appear isolated under the perspective of the observer. The therapist, keeping both in mind, must strategically decide which one they are going to put the focus on at every step of the therapy.

Fundación Dialnet

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